Ko Waiapu Te Awa


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Original painting SOLD, oil on canvas, 920 x 610mm, 2006

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Print sizes and editions (limited to 75)

  • Regular museum archival paper print - 550 x 365mm

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The story of Ko Waiapu Te Awa

Here, the canvas is divided into three sections - below are the rocks of Papatuanuku Earth Mother, above is the bright blue of Ranginui Sky Father and in the centre is the dark band of Te Po or The Darkness.

The legend of Ranginui and Papatuanuku

Before our world existed, tradition tells that Ranginui and Papatuanuku clung together in a close, loving embrace. Te Po describes the confined environment between Rangi and Papa in which their divine children were born. In the middle of the work is a white koru symbolizing the strongest son - Tane Mahuta. Tane Mahuta, along with many of his brothers yearned for more air, space and light in which to live. Legend holds that in planting his head on the earth and thrusting his feet against the sky, Tane eventually succeeded in separating his parents. Once liberated, the children of Ranginui and Papatuanuku then became the various gods of Aotearoa.

Ngati Porou proverb of identity

Sofia is affiliated with the Ngati Porou iwi (a tribe from the east coast of the North Island) and their proverb of identity is:

Ko Hikurangi te maunga 

Ko Waiapu te awa 

Ko Ngati Porou te iwi

Hikurangi is the mountain 

Waiapu is the river

 Ngati Porou is the tribe

The Waiapu river, sacred to Ngati Porou, is seen here as a subtle blue motif creeping over the riverstones of Papatuanuku.

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Sofia Minson Paintings | New Zealand Artwork

SKU: 94 TAG: Regular archival paper

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