Korihi Te Manu
Original painting SOLD, oil on canvas, 840 x 1580mm, 2011
Explore the story of the artwork >>
Print sizes and editions (limited to 275)
- Regular museum archival paper print - 292 x 550mm
Your unique limited edition fine art print
- Sofia Minson creates your exclusive signed print
- We ship for $25 in NZ and from $50 internationally
- Your artwork arrives rolled, ready to be framed - do you need help? Request framing guidance
The story of Korihi Te Manu
"Korihi Te Manu" means "The Birds Sing". This can be said as part of a tauparapara (awakening), which draws attention to the speaker on a marae.
The tauparapara goes as follows:
Korihi te manu
Takiri mai te ata
Ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea
Tehei mauriora
The birds sing
The morning has broken
It is dawn, it is light, it is broad daylight
Behold, there is life
In this work Sofia sees the land and sky, Papatuanuku (earth mother) and Ranginui (sky father), as having opened up to let the light of dawn into this world.
From the sensuous curved river stones of Papatuanuku grows an intricately branching tree, which describes the whakapapa (genealogy) of all living things. Bringing the first moments of life and song to this waking land are New Zealand birds including kereru (wood pigeon), pouakai eagles (a large native species with a wingspan of 3 metres that went extinct c.1400 A.D.), tui, piwakawaka (fantail), Kōtuku (white heron), huia (extinct early 20th century) and albatross.
Sofia Minson Paintings | New Zealand Artwork